Burbank CPA Musings: What Your CPA Wishes You Knew About Taxes

It is March and you have a hundred questions for your tax preparer.  One question – why are you asking these in the busiest month of the year for them?  See this posting in US News and World Report Finance by Molly McCluskey for things your CPA or preparer wishes you knew during this stressful time:


Just keep in mind that if you are stressed with tax time, think how stressed your preparer is with 100 to 500 clients all asking tax questions when all they want to do is get returns done or file extensions.  Most important – don’t blame your preparer if you owe taxes.  There are probably reasons for that and it is not their fault; ask him if he can break down where the deductions went down or income went up so you can keep it in mind for next year.

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