Tax Musings of a Burbank CPA: IRS taxpayer service goes from Bad to Terrible

This is something that every tax professional knew was going to happen after the IRS announced budget cuts.  Where is the first problem going to be – a slow down in customer service.  See this article in USAToday by Kevin McCoy that gives details on the total breakdown in IRS phone service for the last tax filing season:–wq-9K5PETkUeJhoTFg_z2CPz782Agh4yTB2kHC6C06DfWKNOhiV0PHxfQKG1bDp-nVg9SNDS_UarBjemlFIXEdoCVHQ&_hsmi=20612080

Since my feeling is that you should not depend on IRS telephone advice anyway (you can get 3 different answers to the same question with three different phone calls), it is better to talk to a tax professional for this type of information than a telephone person who is probably being paid close to minimum wage and now is not available most of the time.

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