Burbank CPA Musings: Washington’s Birthday or President’s Day – the holiday with a ?

So today is the celebration of President’s Day.  Or is it the Celebration of Washington’s Birthday?  It is both and neither.  See this posting from Factmonster that either clears things up or makes them more confusing:


The federal holiday is officially Washington’s Birthday (Congress has tried to change it to President’s Day without success) but it is interesting that when Congress passed the Monday Holidays Act in 1968, Washington’s Birthday is officially celebrated on the third Monday in February, which can only be February 15-21.  Washington’s Birthday is February 22, so Washington’s Birthday is never celebrated on Washington’s Birthday.  How is that for weird.  

Many states changed the celebration to President’s Day.  Since Lincoln’s birthday is February 12, and has never been a National Holiday, “President’s Day” is never officially celebrated by anyone on either Lincoln’s or Washington’s Birthday, which is why people think the holiday is now called President’s Day, but it isn’t – it is still Washington’s Birthday, even though it is never celebrated on Washington’s Birthday.  Huh?

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