Musings of a Burbank CPA: Can Software Really Replace Accountants?

Can accounting software replace accountants?  Apparently with cloud computing and other new breakthroughs things may be heading in that direction.  See this article in AccountingWeb by Jonathan Poston for more details: Just remember that these software packages may replace some of the gruntwork of accounting, but like TurboTax and tax knowledge, you need some accounting or bookkeeping knowledge to make sure everything is right, so you should get an accountant or bookkeeper to review things a couple times a year, just like you need a tax preparer to oversee your tax returns.  For financial,  accounting and tax musings, You can count on us to count for you! Email:  Phone: 818-317-6035  Website:    Android and the IPhone:        Has been Featured On

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Musings of a Burbank CPA: Five Basic Tax Tips for New Businesses

If you are starting a new business, the IRS has a list of things to consider before the final setup.  Click on the link below and see what the Service has to say: While not all the tips are directly tax related, they can indirectly influence taxes; the type of entity you choose for your business may affect the taxes you pay with it.  Choosing particular health care situations can increase or decrease taxes.  You get the idea.     For financial,  accounting and tax musings, You can count on us to count for you! Email:  Phone: 818-317-6035  Website:    Android and the IPhone:        Has been Featured On

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Business Musings of a Burbank CPA: Summertime Strategies for Your Business

Summer is a great time of year for most businesses to pause for just a little while to take stock, congratulate yourself on what you’ve accomplished so far this year, and make big plans for your future. Here are five summertime strategies to help you regroup, reassess, and rejuvenate your business. 1. Mid-Year Review If your business runs by the calendar year, 2014 is already more than half over. This is a perfect time to stop and reflect where you’ve been, what you’ve accomplished, and where you want to go next. You can make this process as informal or formal as you want. Some firms hold complex retreats; you may simply need some quiet time on a weekend where all your family is busy doing something else. If you’ve never done any planning and feel like you need a guide, consider the book, The One-Page Business Plan written by Jim Horan. 2. Take a Vacation There’s nothing better to rekindle your creative juices than to get away from the business for a while. Summertime is when most people take vacation, so if your business is not having its busy season, this might be a good time to go away for [...]

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